Frequently Asked Questions

  • Of course! Individuals are always welcome to participate. Simply sign up here and indicate that you are volunteering on your own. We’ll ensure you have everything necessary for a safe and successful cleanup.

  • Yes, registration and participation are open to anyone who wishes to be a part of these efforts.

  • Head over to the registration page and select the ticket option labeled “WBIP Team Leader”!

  • The After Party is a post-cleanup celebration where participants gather to acknowledge and celebrate the collective efforts of the day. It’s an opportunity to connect with fellow volunteers, share stories, and enjoy some well-deserved fun and refreshments as a community.

  • We Believe in Portland is powered by AdoptOneBlock, a 501(c)(3) registered charitable nonprofit. AdoptOneBlock’s EIN is 83-2727724.

  • Complete the Supply Order Form to guarantee that you and your team have all of the necessary supplies on the cleanup day! You can order up to 5 at no charge (discount automatically applied at checkout), but if you need more, you can order additional kits for $15 each.

    The deadline for ordering supply kits is April 11th.

  • Yes, you are welcome to bring and use your own supplies. We recommend each volunteer has a bucket, trash grabber, gloves, and a positive attitude!

  • Visit to explore ways you can contribute. Donations are tax-deductible, and all contributions are promptly acknowledged with a confirmation letter for your records.

  • You can adopt a block by visiting and selecting Adopt My Block. Follow the steps to sign up, and we’ll deliver the cleanup supplies you need directly to your business if you don't already have supplies from the We Believe in Portland cleanup.

  • You can adopt a block by visiting and selecting AdoptMyBlock. Follow the steps to sign up, and we’ll deliver the cleanup supplies you need directly to your door if you don't already have supplies from the We Believe in Portland cleanup.

  • Take a look at our sponsorship page to learn more about the levels and benefits for our sponsors. You’re welcome to use the contact form on that page or reach out to Jennifer Bosze at

  • There is no cost to participate in We Believe in Portland! Registration is entirely free and our team will provide a cleanup supplies on the day of the event, but you’re welcome to bring your own supplies.

    This event is made possible by our generous sponsors. If you’re company is interested in becoming a sponsor, click here to learn more.

Have additional questions? Reach out to us!

Teams and Supplies:
Evan Griffith - evan@adoptoneblock

Sponsorships and General Info:
Jennifer Bosze -

For more information about AdoptOneBlock, visit our website.